Need Your Fiat 500 scratch repaired? Need Scratch / Bumper Repairs to your Fiat 500? Call me today 0207 118 1606 | 0754 007 3268 or submit your photos online Category: Car Body RepairsBy Gary DeeFebruary 15, 2016Tags: Fiat 500 scratch repairscratched drivers door with a keyscratched the entire length of my drivers door with a key Author: Gary Dee Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Mobile Car Body RepairsNextNext post:Small Dents, Dings & CreasesRelated postsMachine Polishing ServicesMarch 9, 2016Headlight RestorationMarch 9, 2016Scrapes & Scuffs from Small CollisionsMarch 9, 2016Stone Chips & Flaking Paint SurfacesMarch 9, 2016Vandal Scratches & Paint ChipsMarch 9, 2016Surface Marks and ScratchesMarch 9, 2016